Soft on the inside, crispy on the outside, I just love these snacks. "Croquette" better known in the world, which has many versions in various countries, including Indonesia, but as a Japanese food lovers, I prefer the Japanese version, yes it called "Korokke" [コロッケ] with Japanese seasoning. I like Japanese cuisine is a fusion of the umami seasoning according to my taste. This is a recipe I've already modifications to the menu in my cooking school, you may be able to modify this recipe by replacing the contents according to your taste. Here it is ^^
Suka banget sama jajanan ini, hihi :D Sebagai pecinta masakan Jepang, aku memang suka sama kroket versi Jepang ini, selain bentuknya yang lucu, rasanya juga sesuai sama selera aku. Ini resep yang udah aku modifikasi dan aku pakek buat praktek di kampus, kamu bisa modifikasi sendiri dengan mengganti isiannya.
Kalo biasanya kroket itu kentang dan isiannya dicampur, aku lebih suka kentangnya gak dicampur dengan isiannya, jadi isiannya ada di dalam kentang gitu, biar tastenya lebih kerasa bedanya dan lebih berasa menikmatinya, hehe
Voila ^^
* Just scrolldown for recipe in Bahasa Indonesia
* Just scrolldown for recipe in Bahasa Indonesia
Category : Appetizer
Preparation : 15 min
Preparation : 15 min
Cooking : 45 min
Total : 60 min
4 medium russet potatoes, peeled and halved
1 medium onion, finely diced
½ carrots, finely diced (optional)
2 tbsp. oil or melted butter
1 ounce sausage, choped (you can replace with ground beef or chicken, etc)
1 egg
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. white pepper
Freshly ground black pepper
½ tbsp. worcestershire sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp oyster sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp oyster sauce
3 eggs for the breading
2 cup breadcrumbs
½ cup all purpose flour
Oil for deep frying
Mayonaise & tonkatsu sauce
INGREDIENTS for Tonkatsu Sauce:
1/3 cup ketchup
2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin (you can replace with fish stock or another kind of stock)
1/2 tsp oyster sauce
1/4 garlic powder
INGREDIENTS for Tonkatsu Sauce:
1/3 cup ketchup
2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin (you can replace with fish stock or another kind of stock)
1/2 tsp oyster sauce
1/4 garlic powder
1. In a large pot, put water and potatoes and bring it to a boil. Cook
potatoes until a skewer goes through the potato easily.
2. Remove the potato from the heat and drain the water completely. When
you do so, use a lid to partially cover so the potatoes don’t fall off from the
3. Move the pot back to the stove. On low heat shift the pot so that
remaining moisture will completely evaporate (but don’t burn them).
4. Turn off the heat and mash the potatoes. Unlike mashed potato, you
don’t have to mash completely. You can want to leave some small chunks for
texture. Set aside.
5. Meanwhile, chop onion, carrot, and sausages or ground meats finely.
6. In a large skillet, heat oil on medium high heat. Sauté onion until
7. Add carrot and sausages and cook until they are soft.
8. Add the meat and break it up with a wooden spoon. When the meat is
cooked through, add salt, white pepper, black pepper, worchestershire sauce, soy sauce, &
oyster sauce. Set aside.
9. When both mashed potato and meat mixture are ready, add the meat
mixture into mashed potato in the large pot. Make sure you leave the liquid
behind. We only want dry ingredients into the pot. Discard any liquid left in
the pan.
10. Add an egg and mix all together until everything is well combined.
11. Set aside till cool down a bit (so you can actually hold the mixture
with your hands).
12. While the mixture is still warm, but not hot, start making Korokke
13. Dredge each ball in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs.
14. In a wok (or frying pan), heat oil over medium high heat. Deep fry
Korokke until they are golden brown. Inside is already cooked, so all you need
to do is to make it nice brown color.
15. Transfer Korokke to paper towels and let the oil absorbed in the paper.
Serve immediately with Tonkatsu Sauce.
For step 9 and 10 I prefer to make the
stuffing inside the potato dough, so I can feel the different textures and
4 kentang ukuran sedang
1 bawang bombay ukuran
sedang, cincang
½ wortel, cincang dadu (optional)
2 sdm minyak goring atau
margarin untuk menumis
100 gram sosis (bisa
diganti dengan daging cincang)
1 butir telur untuk campuran
1 sdt garam
¼ sdt lada putih
Lada hitam secukupnya
½ sdm kecap inggris
1 sdt kecap manis
1 sdt saus tiram
1 sdt kecap manis
1 sdt saus tiram
3 telur untuk celupan
2 cup tepung panir
½ cup tepung terigu
Minyak untuk menggoreng
Mayonaise dan Saus Tonkatsu untuk penyajian
BAHAN Saus Tonkatsu:
1/3 cup saus tomat
2 sdm kecap inggris
1 sdm gula
1 sdt kecap maniss
1 sdm mirin (bisa diganti dengan semua jenis air kaldu)
1/2 sdt saus tiram
1/4 sdm bawang putih bubuk
BAHAN Saus Tonkatsu:
1/3 cup saus tomat
2 sdm kecap inggris
1 sdm gula
1 sdt kecap maniss
1 sdm mirin (bisa diganti dengan semua jenis air kaldu)
1/2 sdt saus tiram
1/4 sdm bawang putih bubuk
kentang sampai lunak sehingga dapat dihaluskan.
kentang yang sudah lunak, buang air panas, ganti dengan air dingin sehingga
kulit kentang lebih mudah dikupas.
kentang, sisihkan.
Cincang bang
Bombay, wortel, dan sosis (dapat diganti dengan daging cincang).
margarin atau minyak goring pada Teflon, tuis bawang Bombay sampai harum.
wortel sosis, masak sampai wortel agak lunak.
bumbu garam, lada hitam, lada putih, kecap manis, kecap inggris, dan saus
tiram, aduk sampai tercampur rata. Angkat.
kentang, isian, dan telur. Aduk-aduk samapi tercampur rata.
sampai agak dingin.
10. Buat bulatan kroket dengan bentuk lingkaran
agak pipih (dapat diganti sesuai selera).
11. Gulirkan bola kroket ke dalam tepung, kemudian
celupkan ke dalam telur yang sudah dikocok, dan balut dengan tepung panir.
12. Panaskan wajan, goring kroket sampai kuning
keemasan. Karena adonannya sudah matang, kita hanya perlu memasak sampai kulit
bagian luarnya agak kecokelatan.
13. Angkat kroket, tuang pada tissue makanan.
Sajikan dengan mayonnaise dan saus Tonkatsu
Untuk step 9 dan 10, aku lebih
suka isian dan kentang nya dipisah sehingga kentang diluar da nisi di dalam,
sehingga lebih terasa tekstur dan rasanya.
This recipe inspired from
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